Taming the Tounge
I have a problem. I sleep with the T.V. on. No, that’s not my problem. The problem is that my husband HATES it. So, being the fantastically loving wife that I am, I’ve been working on weaning myself off lately. I’ve found a good substitute: the IPOD. I started off listening to Harry Potter, but after the 21st time through all the books, I started to wonder if I should try something new. So, for the past 2 nights, I’ve been listening to Elder Holland. I can’t say that there is anything in this world that compares to falling asleep to the sound of an apostle’s voice (Sorry, Jim Dale). Last night, I heard a talk, and immediately wanted to share my thoughts and feelings on it. Elder Holland’s talk was on the tongue, and learning to tame it. My heart was touched. I couldn’t sleep. I kept listening to what he said, too riveted to close my eyes. I kept thinking about our society, and how we’ve developed into a world that, instead of speaking kind and uplifting words about others, we do all th...