January 2016 Stitch Fix

Stitch Fix I haven't written in months, but I wanted to take to my blog to save my Facebook friends from having to see my constant Stitch Fix posts! So if you're interested, read away! What is Stitch Fix? It's basically an online personal stylist. Someone will fill a box with 5 items catered to your personal style. They send it out to you, you look it over and decide what you want. You send the rest back in a prepaid envelope. How do they know what you like? When you first sign up you fill out a style profile. You tell them what you like and what you hate and they start from there. BUT- PLEASE go onto Pinterest and make a board just for Stitch Fix. Pin things that you love and then put the link in your style profile. It is hard for them to make decisions based off of that first style profile, and until I did the Pinterest page I didn't get a box that I wanted to keep everything out of. Also, when you send stuff back leave detailed feedback about why you don...