Wow- it's amazing how time flies by. I literally feel like I just brought Arya home from the hospital yesterday. Who is this 3 month old I have living with me?! I can't believe the things that she can do now. She is talking (of course, not real words!), loves to be on her stomach, she has started trying her hardest to scoot across the floor(even though she isn't making it anywhere yet), she is squealing, laughing the most wonderful laughs, smiling all the time, rolling from her back to her stomach and then to her back again.... when did all this happen?! I know if you're like me it annoys the crap out of you when people say things like, "They grow up so fast!" but man, those people are right!! I'm glad that I get to stay home with Arya. I'm so glad that I get to see every single thing that she does for the very first time. I was there the first time she smiled, the first time she laughed, the first time she rolled over, the first time she tried her har...