Love at Home.
"There is One who smiles on high when there's love at home" I heard a few hymns today that really touched me. One of them is called love at home. There is beauty all around, When there’s love at home; There is joy in ev’ry sound, When there’s love at home. Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on ev’ry side; Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there’s love at home; Love at home, love at home, Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there’s love at home. Kindly Heaven smiles above, When there’s love at home; All the earth is filled with love, When there’s love at home. Sweeter sings the brooklet by, Brighter beams the azure sky: Oh, there’s One Who smiles on high, When there’s love at home; Love at home, love at home, Oh, there’s One Who smiles on high, When there’s love at home. All I could think of when I was reading this was how badly I hope that my home will be full of love. I want my child to grow up in a home that is full of happiness and joy, fu...