
I have been miserably sick for the past three days. Miserable because I can't sleep, I don't want to eat but have to for Arya, and every part of my body aches. Thank goodness I had a doctors appointment today, and I'm all stocked up with antibiotics. The worst part about being sick while you are pregnant is worrying about your child. Are they sick too? Can they tell you are sick? Are they getting enough food? water? vitamins? Not only have I had all of this to deal with, but it's finals week, which adds on to the stress significantly. I honestly don't know what I would do without my husband. He is the most loving, caring, generous person in the world. It's finals week for him too, he is taking way more classes than I am, working two jobs, and dealing with finishing up projects along with studying for finals. Somehow, he still finds the time to come to my doctors appointment with me, fix me soup, bring me water to my bedside, and listen to my incessant whining and complaining. Sorry to break it to you ladies, but I have the best husband out there!

While we were at the doctors office we got to hear Arya's heartbeat. Everything sounded strong and healthy, which was very comforting to me, since I was so worried about her feeling the effects of my sickness. It's great to know that she is healthy and well.

Some great news is that we are having a baby shower this weekend! I'm really excited to see some of my old friends, and really happy to see all of the things everyone got for Arya! I can't wait to come back here and update on all the gifts!


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