
Looks like I should wait until the day of my doctors appointments to write my blogs! After the blog I wrote yesterday, in which I was complaining (but trying to make it sound like I wasn't) about the long wait I had ahead, we got a very big surprise today. My midwife has decided that- since I am slowly progressing every week and since Arya is fully developed- she will induce labor on Wednesday morning.


I always pictured my trip to the hospital as a frantic, painful car ride, followed by hours in the hospital wondering if I ever actually will get that epidural. Now, a whole new picture is forming in my mind, and I think I like it. Everything is planned out, timed and scheduled. I mean, I'm not under some false impression here that there is no way I can go into labor before Wednesday- or that even if I do make it to the scheduled delivery- that everything will go as planned. But it feels nice to have a date in my mind, and to know that there is a chance that things could go as smoothly as they are sounding. It's nice to be able to tell my family that there is a time and day that they can tentatively depend on, and that maybe I wont be calling them at 4 am one random morning.

The other wonderful side of this is that we will soon be meeting our dear little Arya. We've waited for this moment for nine months now. And while we've known that she was coming, it's never been as real or tangible as it is now. I know that by this time next week I will have my little daughter in my arms! What a WONDERFUL feeling!

So until Wednesday (or any day until then that Arya decides to come!) I will be taking PLENTY of naps, and spending as much time alone with my hubby as I can.


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