Designing for Baby Gilbert

I love creating new rooms. I love to make each room look special, and try to put something special in each room in the house. I'm so excited to be able to do that for our coming baby! Unfortunately, we don't live in our own house, we're renting, which means, ugh, no painting. I'd love to paint the baby room a beautiful pink, but unfortunately, we are going to have to deal with the blue that's in there. Hopefully we can make the best of it. Ryan and I have been shopping around for awhile, looking for something that would be colorful and warm. I'm really into colors that make you feel brighter when you walk into a room. So, I think we've found the perfect set! Ok, so it's not exactly girl-esque. In fact, is a little on the boyish side. But I'm just not into that lacey, light pink, bow and ribbon deal that some moms like. What's important to me is to create a room that Ryan and I like, and that we can be comfortable and feel happy in, seeing as Baby...